Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our "Second" child had surgery today.:(

Poor Fred! Our "second child" had surgery today because he ate his toy that he has. Needless to say he couldn't pass it and if he wouldn't have had surgery he wouldn't be here now. Nate just got home with him and he looks miserable. He has a about a 6 inch cut on his stomach and a bandage on his leg from the IV. Needless to say we will be throwing out a couple of his toys and getting new "Fred" friendly toys.

A little info on "Fred" for those that don't know. While pregnant I demanded that we call her Danica. Nate wanted Shelby. We discussed multiple times and I told Nate that if I went through hell, I would name her what I wanted to. My brother in law thought he was a genious and started calling her "fred" before getting here and right after she was born. It caught on and before I knew the whole family was calling that. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!! So for Nate's birthday in January he got a puppy. We went to Boise and picked Fred up when Danica was about 2 months old. Daddy was happy and mommy was happy. A little more info.... I hate inside dogs!!!! The rules were that he could get one that did not shed or slobber. So he found Fred. A boxer. :) He is growing on me and Danica has a little playmate now. She loves him and lays on him and pulls his hair, ears and jowels... and he could care less.

We will have to do a "family" photo soon to debut everything. Baby girl growing a ton... me with hair cut... Fred with stitches and daddy.... well daddy is boring and hasn't done anything :(

Anyhow... Long one!!! Sorry!!!


Bekah said...

Way funny! Miss you tons! Happy Anniversary tomorrow! Can you believe it's been 5 years? Wow time sure flies! Loves!

M. Harrison said...

Sorry Fred. Hopefully he feels better soon. At least it wasn't Danica that decided to swallow something. :)